Aug 3, 2017 | General, Residents
Too good to miss! The Art Gallery is a must-see destination at Pickersgill Retirement Community. Located in a nook at the junction of two busy corridors outside the Willard Auditorium, Pickersgill’s Art Gallery is a space where examples of fine art created by...
Jun 8, 2017 | General, Residents
Research continues to show benefits for seniors who write. These include memory enhancement; improvement of comprehension and communication skills; stress reduction; and increased self-confidence, self-discipline, and even emotional intelligence. And sharing with...
Apr 3, 2017 | Baltimore, Maryland, Residents
In 1954, “I Love Lucy” was the top-ranking TV show, Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio, Eisenhower was president, and the Orioles debuted in Baltimore. For Olga Wagner, 96, a resident at Pickersgill Retirement Community in Towson, Maryland, it was a start of a...
Mar 30, 2017 | General, Residents
For the past 25 years, Jerry Mead has enjoyed making friends and making a home at Pickersgill Retirement Community. “There’s no place I’d rather be,”Jerry says. When Pickersgill’s first cornerstones were being placed, Jerry and his wife watched from their home no more...
Feb 23, 2017 | Independent Living, Our Community, Residents
Seven residents from Pickersgill Retirement Community in Towson, Md., get together four times a week to play billiards and they occasionally take their game to a neighboring retirement community to compete. Richard Davidson, a Pickersgill resident who lives at the...