Let the games begin.
To celebrate National Physical Therapy Month Pickersgill Retirement Community held its first ever afternoon senior olympics. Our dynamic rehab team was not only responsible for the brilliant idea to host an olympiad, they also planned the events and transformed the Willard Auditorium into a ingenious sports colosseum. 80s workout rhythms pulsed during the unconventional hexathalon energizing the performance of athletes and coaches. Residents were both amused and impressed by the variety familiar items that were used as sports equipment such as laundry baskets, pool noodles and even floor sweepers!
After a short opening ceremony, residents, some closer in age to 100 than 90, competed in 6 events. The Pickersgill olympics borrowed a few events typically seen in a classic decathalon: javelin throw (pool noodle pitch), shot put (beanbag toss), discus throw (shuffle board with a swiffer and a mason jar lid), and the 100 meter dash (walk the floor tape balance beam). In addition athletes tried their abilities on the indoor putting green and free throw court.
“This is a lot of fun, there’s something for everybody,” said rehab director Anne Marie. The events included skills for people with varying physical abilities. Hexathelete , Grace, was definitely something of a shark at swiffer shuffleboard, regularly laying her mason jar discs in scoring positions. Many of the players in games which required being on one’s feet sat down as soon as their turn was complete, and four-wheeled walkers were much in evidence, scattered around the room. Every athlete got a medal because everyone won the opportunity to be physically active and to cheer on their friends.
Special thanks to PTA Michelle who conceived the afternoon olympics and to our Red Cross interns, GNA staff, activities office and volunteers who acted as coaches by assisting residents straight through to the closing ceremony. The event emitted the energy of athletic competition and was a great way to celebrate National PT month!
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